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Sunday, 13 January 2013 20:08

NIU downs Illinois State 192.175-192.05

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NIU narrowly prevailed over ISU 192.175-192.05 in its home opener.  ISU's Samantha King won the all around with a score of 39.05.

NIU Recap

Sunday, 13 January 2013 14:49

SUNY Cortland scores 182.575 in home opener

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Cortland competed at home against Wilson College.  Wilson scored a 29.05 for the meet

Cortland recap

Sunday, 13 January 2013 14:43

GWU wins the Lindsey Ferris Invitational

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GWU placed first with a score of 193.425.  UNC placed second with a score of 192.950.  Other finishes:  Cornell at 190.300; Penn at 189.575 and Temple at 187.500.

Full Scores

Saturday, 12 January 2013 22:19

Utah 195.3 at UCLA 197.425

UCLA blasted to the first 197 score of the season, defeating the Utes, who struggled on UB.  Bruin Vanessa Zamarripa was outstanding, posting a 39.675 AA win.  She also won bars and tied with teammates Danusia Francis and Olivia Courtney for the Beam and FX titles, respectively.  Courtney tied with Ute Tory Wilson for the Vault title. 

Link:  Utah Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 22:17

Men's: OU Wins Rockey Mountain Open

Team Scores:  OU 423.5, NU 418.9, Air Force 405.5, ASU (club) 392.3.  OU's ALec Robin won the AA with an 80.95. 

Link:  NU Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 22:16

Men's: Illinois 425.45 at UIC 385.75

Illinois dominated, led by frosh Joey Peters, who won the AA and PB.

Link:  Illinois Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 22:14

Men's: Army 403.7 at PSU 446.85

PSU won five individual events titles and all six events as a team.  Army's Jesse Glenn, a frosh, was 1st AA at 82.55.

Link:  Army Release

Stanford won the quad meet, led by wins on vault by Nicole Dayton and UB by Kristina Vaculik.  For Arizona, Aubree Cristello won the AA with a 39.475.  She also won the beam and tied for the FX title with teammate Kristin Klarenbach.   

Link:  Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 20:59

Washington 193.5 at Minnesota 195.55

Minnesota rolled in their home opener, led by Kayla Slectha and Janell Campbell.  Slecta won the vault and tied for the floor title with Campbell.  Campbell also tied for the bars title with frosh teammate Lindsay Mable.  Gopher frosh Hannah Nordquist won the beam.  UW's Aliza Vaccher won the AA with a 38.85.

Link:  UW Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 20:56

PSU 194.15 at UIC 191.7

PSU defeated host UIC, lead by frosh Sammie Musto's 39.025 AA win.  She also took the floor.  Teammate Sharaya Musser won vault and tied for the beam title with UIC's Catherine Dion.  PSU's Madison Merriam won the bars. 

Link:  UIC Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 20:52

WMU 193.5 at MSU 192.725

Western Michigan defeated host MSU, 193.5 to 192.725.  WMU's Kayla Weber led the way, winning the AA with a 39.15.  She also tied for the FX title with MSU frosh Lisa Burt.  Teammate Caroline O'Brien won bars while Bronco Kelsey Turnquist won beam.  For MSU, Alina Cartwright won vault. 

Link:  MSU Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:53

Towson 192.025 at William & Mary 188.75

Samantha Lutz won the bars and Katie Sassa added a win on floor to help Towson to the win.  For W&M, Brandy Stover won Vault and Beam. 

Link:  W&M Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:39

TWU 191.8 at BGSU 191.15

TWU's Spencer Jones posted a 38.225 to win the AA. 

Link:  TWU Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:34

OU 196.7 at ASU 193.625

Erica Brewer led OU to the road win, winning the AA with a 39.35 as well as taking the beam and tying for teh bars title with teammate Brie Olson.  Teammates Madison Mooring and Taylor Spears won the vault and foor, respectively.

Link:  OU Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:24

Nebraska 196.3 at Michigan 196.9

Michigan powered to the home win, led by Joanna Sampson's 39.4.  She also tied for the floor title with NU's Emily Wong.  Teammates Sachi Sugiyama and Katie Zurales tied for the bars title.  For NU, Jamie Schleppenbach won vault and Jennifer Lauer won the beam.

Link:  NU Release

Saturday, 12 January 2013 15:16

USU 189.425 at BYU 194.075

BYU defeated in-state rival USU, led by Megan Bain's wins on beam and floor and Raquel Willman's win in the AA. 

Link:  USU Release

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